You can add multiple e-mails both to gerrit [0] and github [1]. As long as
the e-mail address you are making commits with is added to both accounts,
you can likely use your preexisting software directly on the mirrored
github repos[2]. For example, my contributions to the citoid repo, all of
which were made on gerrit, are also automatically* associated with my
github account [3]. You could add a throwaway email to both both gerrit and
github and set this as your git email [4] and then your e-mail will not be
publicly exposed anywhere. In both gerrit and github, the email you set as
your email in git is visible in your commits, as this is a property of git
itself, not of gerrit/github in particular.

*Because these are mirrored repositories, contestants *must star the
mirrored repository on github* [5] in order to have it associated with
their github account, because they didn't open the pull request directly on
github. This is the main issue as I see it, as it is an extra step and
people are fundamentally bad at following rules :D.


On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Strainu <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm organizing a contest for people in Romania willing to contribute
> to Wikimedia code. [1] In order to automatically grade the
> contributions, we're using a tool already developed be our partners,
> ROSEdu, which reviews changes made on github [2][3].
> The current (github-based) workflow is:
> 1. The admins add a number of repositories that qualify for the contest
> 2. The paticipants login with their github account (using oauth)
> 3. The software retrieves all the pull requests they made to the
> relevant projects.
> 4. A number of points is assigned for each pull request using a
> predefined formula (based on the number of touched lines, if the
> change was merged etc.; can by customized)
> I need some guidance on how to replicate this workflow to Wikimedia's
> gerrit.
> I've read the API docs [4] and looked at the gerrit uploader [5] and
> it seems that retrieving the reviews is fairly straightforward, since
> all the reviews seem to be available through unauthenticated access.
> The real issue is how to match the user in the tool with the reviews
> without user intervention. Any ideas or advice are appreciated, but
> here are my thoughts on the issue:
> 1. Gerrit does not seem to support oauth authentication. I vaguely
> remember that the gerrit account used to be linked to the
> account. Is there any way I could use the auth to retrieve the
> gerrit account and/or authenticate to gerrit with it? The gerrit
> uploader seems to only use the mw account to put the username in the
> committer field and then uploads the change as itself.
> 2. The simplest (although not so secure) solution would be to ask
> people to submit their changes using the same email address used for
> their github account. This will only work if the user is willing to
> make their github address public (I'm not doing that, for instance).
> 3. Another idea would be to match the gerrit account with the github
> account. This sounds even less reliable.
> 4. Give up and ask the users to submit the email/user used for gerrit
> and check for cheaters manually (this should work as long as the
> number of contributors is small)
> Thanks,
>   Strainu
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
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