> In regards to 3:
>> 3.  What are the other things that happen apart from GSoC(In case if I wish
>> to contribute even after Gsoc. How is the          culture of this
>> community?
> You are welcome to contribute at any time. You do not need to be part
> of a program to do so. The other major outreach programs are GCI
> (happening right now) which is open to high school students, and
> Outreachy, which is similar to GSOC, but only open to Women.
> As far as "culture" goes, that's a rather broad question. Can you be
> more specific.
> In regards to 4,
>> 4. I am not facing a lot of difficulties in IRC. Sometimes I don't get the
>> reply, sometimes my nickname is unavailable if I get offline for some time
>> and it is not very friendly. Could somebody help me in IRC. I am using mac.
>> My nickname is *mayank_dev*
> Whether or not somebody replies to you can depend on a lot of factors,
> such as how specific your question is, if anyone knowledgeable is
> around (This can very significantly with timezone), etc. If your
> nickname is unavailable, I would suggest just chosing a different one.
> Possibly it is unavailable because you are still logged in somewhere
> (most likely), or maybe someone else also uses that nickname. If you
> really want to always have the same nickname always, see the freenode
> ChanServ docs about how to register a nickname.
> --
> Brian

Its been pointed out to me that my description of Outreachy was
incorrect. It is open to anyone who is in a group that is
"underrepresented", not just Women. Additionally, unlike GSOC, you do
not need to be a student to participate. For more information on this
program see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Outreachy


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