Hello everyone. It's my first mail in this watchlist. I hope it will be OK.
Yesterday the new mediawiki deployment was done in our (he)wiki. As result,
at least one gadget (and maybe more, and maybe more in other wikis will
come this eve) , WLM (Watchlist Manager) was destroyed. It's something very
powerful, with a lot of features, and a lot of users. It hides
automatically watched revisions, allows opening in a new window a diff for
all revisions since the last time you visited a page, marking some revision
as visited without a need to physically open a page if needed, marking any
watched revision as unwatched for later work and much much more. I spent
more than two months, at least 3-4 hours every day, to write it, and it
have a lot of glowing accounts.
But it does not work any more. Apparently, the watchlist html syntax was
changed. I tried to find something in the versions roadmap, but couldn't. I
tried a console, and saw, at least:
* Grouping view group members syntax was changed, the link to diff was
replaced by a link to cur.
* The "mw-enhanced-watched" css style was removed, and there is no way at
all any more to distinguish between watched and unwatched revisions.
And there are more bugs reported, so I believe there were more changes.
Could you tell me please, where can I find the full list of changes? And
what can I do to restore the spoken style? Otherwise, I'll just tell
everyone that the gadget is cancelled. Help!
Thank you,
Igal Khitron
Wikitech-l mailing list

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