ha, how embarrassing! i used google to search "wikimedia projects
programming beginner" and google found the beginners guide for python
programmers, which is not what i wanted :)
https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Programmers . then i went
to https://www.wikipedia.org/ and i was lost as well. donation, shop,
help, and, and, and. no programming.

where is this beginners page hidden, and why are google, bing, and
duckduckgo not able to find it?


On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 11:31 AM, Egbe Eugene <agboreug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the warm welcome into the community *All*
> I wish to express my desire to participate in this year's summer of code as
> i know it is the most rapid way ( apart from the hackathons) to hack the
> Foundation projects. For someone as new to the foundation as i am, are
> there any projects which could be suggested for me to quickly get about and
> straight to work.
> Thanks very much
> Egbe
> On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Jan Dittrich <jan.dittr...@wikimedia.de>
> wrote:
>> Hi Egbe,
>> Great to have you on board!
>> Don’t hesitate to poke people if you have trouble finding or understanding
>> documentation, we may be already used to its quirks :-)

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