On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:50 AM C. Scott Ananian <canan...@wikimedia.org>

> Chad: the more you argue that it's not even worth considering, the more I'm
> going to push back and ask for actual numbers and facts. ;)
As I said in my prior message: it's been considered, and discarded rather
quickly. It doesn't need much further introspection than that. A couple of
major points:

* Brian W's point is correct: there's not much migration cost at all moving
to PHP7. Moving between PHP versions has always been pretty easy for us in
MW--we write very conservative code as it is.
* Various (there's lots from lots of people) benchmarks routinely show HHVM
and PHP7--especially 7.1+--performance to be roughly on par, depending on
workloads. We can get some firmer numbers here.
** A bunch of major projects have already dropped HHVM for PHP7+. Etsy,
Symphony, Wordpress (they no longer test against it)
* Swapping to HHVM/Hack would abandon many/most of our downstream users --
the stats Stas pointed to way far back shows world install base as well
under 0.5% of all PHP runtimes.
* Speaking of downstream users: HHVM has always been a second-class citizen
on non-Linux OSes. It's always been wonky on OSX (I would know, I was the
first person to ever get it built), and I don't think anyone's ever got it
working on Windows outside of Cygwin--please correct me if I'm wrong?
* It greatly complicates setup and development work for both WMF and
** Did I mention almost nobody has up to date packages for this?
*  PHP has a long-documented history of working as a proper FLOSS project.
Facebook's track record here has been less than stellar--it comes in fits
and starts and there's a lot of "throwing code over the wall"
** We have a core PHP contributor (Stas) on this list. Other than
occasional patches we've shipped upstream to HHVM, I doubt anyone would
claim themselves a core HHVM contributor around here [maybe Tim early on,
* Choices HHVM is going to make upstream (references, destuctors) are a
/huge/ issue for us. The former is basically a requirement for our Hooks
system and the latter is used all over the dang place for profiling and
other fun scope-based tricks.
* Libraries we use -- composer, phpunit, etc can not be depended on to
support Hack in the long term, and there's no tooling in the HHVM world for
this (promises notwithstanding).

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