I haven't dealt with OOUI for a couple of years but maybe you could pass a
jQuery object to the $content parameter, store it yourself, then modify
that later?

On Sun, 24 Mar 2019 at 14:14, Huji Lee <huji.h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In the script I am working on,[1] I have a PanelLayout that is defined like
> this:
>         this.previewResult = new OO.ui.PanelLayout({
>           expanded: true,
>           padded: true,
>           framed: true,
>           $content: ''
>         });
> Later on, I would like to modify the content of this; specifically, I want
> to use MW API to retrieve the parsed output of some short wikitext. For
> now, however, I just want to try out the concept by replacing the content
> with a simple <p> tag.
> Evidently, this line of code does not do the trick:
>         dialog.previewResult.$content = '<p>Something</p>';
> That is, it does update the value of the $content property for the OOUI
> object, but that does not result in the object getting re-rendered. None of
> the setter functions for OO.ui.PanelLayout seem to do the trick either.
> What is the correct way to do this? If PanelLayout is not the right object
> type for this purpose, what is?
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