Hi Brian,

On Fri, 31 Jan 2020 at 12:10, Brian Wolff <bawo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The ssl tester site is reporting that ocsp stapling is misconfigured on
> that domain, maybe that's causing the issue(?)

Thanks a lot for the useful tip! It does seem to be a plausible cause.
I searched
Phabricator with the OCSP hint and was able to find the following task which
describes essentially the same issue with the English wikipedia beta instance.


> One of the biggest differences is that beta uses lets encrypt. If for some
> reason the platform you are testing on didnt have lets encrypt certs
> installed, that could cause this. However lets encrypt at this point is
> very widely supported.

Yeah. I too believe Let's encypt certificates would be available on Android
devices running Android 8+ (Android 8+ is a pre-requisite for the issue
to surface). So, inexistence of the Let's encrypt certificates shouldn't be
an issue. As a supporting factor, I don't observe the issue described in
my previous mail in my device which runs Android 5.1.1 (yeah, it's a bit old).
Given the fact that the Let's encrypt certificate is available in a device as
old as mine, I think it's safe to assume that the certificates would be
available in devices running Android 8+ too :-)

Thanks for your help,

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