On Thu, 11 May 2000, Jeremy White wrote:

> I was hoping to spark a conversation on this topic, in two basic areas:

>     1.  Should we do it?  (If not, why not, and when?)
I don't care, but if you want a 1.0 release, see answer to 2.

>     2.  What needs to be done before we can release Wine 1.0?
Stabilize the development API. So to me the question is, which
unfinished/unstarted implementation issues are there, that will
require major changes in the code? I can think of the following:
a) process separation
b) dll separation
c) make wine MP safe (or is it MP safe by now - Uwe?)
After that, most further changes should only have local impact, not
global one.

And my "wishlist":
1) printing to Postscript (see also 2) should work out of the box.
2) a proper (Windowze free) running environment (windows dir etc)
  (btw. is it still neccessary to touch some libs in \windows and
  \windows\system?) that may be installed together with wine
3) Fontinstall

Also, maybe a list of "Referenceapplications" should be named and
an average rating for these set, with 1 and 2 not allowed for single
apps (apps database is unavailable, so I may have mixed the ranking
of 1 and 5)?

My 2 cents

Joerg Mayer                                 eMail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Give an engineer a problem and a curious form of time dilation occurs /AC

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