> I've wanted to get into wine development for some time now 
> but I've never
> found a bug simple enough for me to comprehend (and, 
> normally, that everyone
> else hasn't already found ten times over), let alone fix. I 
> really want to
> contribute something to the project, but I don't know where 
> to start. Any
> suggestions?

Try and run winapi_check.

        cd <winedir>
        ./tools/winapi_check/winapi_check --all

This will present a list of a _lot_ of _potential_ error,
some of them are real some of them are not.

In short be _extermely_ critical of what winapi_check says,
since the heuristics used are far from perfect.

The options --all shows everything, but you can
also select what you want to show. See
        ./tools/winapi_check/winapi_check --help
for details.

I'm the author of winapi_check so please mail all
problems/questions concerning winapi_check to me,
or post it on the list if you think that other
people might be intrested.

PS. If you have less than 128 Mb of memory,
the global checks that are done after all files
are checked will be _extermely_ slow.
In that case you can turn them of by
using --no-global.

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