
  I played a little with an RPM version of Wine back
in Feb.  My goal was to get a Finiancial program I use
under Windows 95 to work in Linux (so I don't have to
boot Win95, except when I am working in VC++ for
school).  Wine came terribly close, but still fell
short, so I put it on the back burned and resolved to
revist it from time to time...

  Well.. Here it is three months later and I decided
to configure, make depend, make, && make install wine
instead of use an RPM of it (20000526) flavor.

  I'm pretty impressed with the improvements from just
3 months... :)  I couldn't even load, let alone run
BCB v4 under Wine in Feb.  Today it runs, but needs
some work (as it doesn't load any component packages -
Borland 'thunked' DLLs).

  That said... I would like to request a simple
utility/tools app that is a 'graphical' way to launch
Windows apps through Wine.  This is not so much for
me, but from my wife...  He likes several of the BoWep
games and they run fine in Wine... However, she isn't
as comfortable with term as I am, and would be much
more at home with a GUI that let her browse to the
file and click a button called Run?  Is this planned?

  And then my question.  How can a experienced (5+
years C/C++, 7+ programming in general) programmer
with only DOS and Windows programming help the Wine
Suggestions?  Ideas?  Maybe with a little kickstart I
would write GUI Browse/Run app that mentioned above?

Interested in your responses.  Thanks.


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