George Boutwell wrote:

>   And then my question.  How can a experienced (5+
> years C/C++, 7+ programming in general) programmer
> with only DOS and Windows programming help the Wine
> project?
> Suggestions?  Ideas?  Maybe with a little kickstart I
> would write GUI Browse/Run app that mentioned above?
> Interested in your responses.  Thanks.

Well, IMHO, if you can program in DOS/Windows you aren't going to have any
problems at all writing for UNIX.

I would definitely suggest browsing the source tree for Wine.  If you have
any Windows functions which you are very familiar with, go ahead and check
the Wine implementation and see if it works like you expect it.

I can also suggest finding a "pet project" like correctly (re)implementing a
DLL or a part of a DLL.  For instance, I did some work on the
WINASPI/WNASPI32/DOS ASPI crap so that I could make all my CD-R stuff work.

One thing that is definitely needed now are people to fix all of the crap
that broke because of address space separation.  For instance, --desktop
mode no longer correctly works, it opens a new window for each application!
Originally, all programs ran as the same UNIX process, so the code kept that
in mind.  Now that each windows process runs as a seperate UNIX process,
code that made assumptions like that does not work anymore.

Finally, try to talk with people BEFORE you just go hacking away rewriting
something.  There have been some conflicts lately (nothing really
major) with people doing double work.  Of course, by all means feel free to
hack away at the source code, just don't get carried away without letting
people know that you are in the process of doing something important.  Of
course if you start smaller you will have less problems like that.

Glad to see another developer for Wine!

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