Im writing Fr.rc for wcmd, since the translation work has started.
Im interested in writing fixes for En.rc too.

Some questions/comments about wcmd :
- Call:
Is the following valid for Wine ?
Changes to default directory, environment variables etc made within
called procedure are inherited by the caller.

- Move : 
Move can move a group of files, but wildcards arent supported yet.
Move is not supposed to fail if the DOS drives are different.

-Path :
example is incorrect, double backslashes arent needed inside wcmd.

-Pause :
the message must be changed, it displays "ANY key" instead of Return

-Prompt :
the default prompt is the current directory with a > sign.

the variable content can begin with a space.

Sylvain Petreolle (spetreolle_at_users_dot_sourceforge_dot_net) 
ICQ #170597259

alias upsf='false ; while [ $? -ne 0 ] ; do cvs update -APd ; done 2>&1 |tee cvslog'

"What if tomorrow the War could be over ?" Morpheus, in "Reloaded".

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