Just want to add one thing..

The prompt in DOS is defaulted to $p$g (path with greater than sign at the
but can always be changed, even to the current time and date ($t$d)

just try it..

Makes no prompt

prompt $p
Makes prompt the current path

prompt $t
Makes it current time

prompt $p$g
Makes it DOS default...

So if we want to make wcmd like DOS and Windows Command Prompt, we need to
allow setting prompt like that if we dont already, and should set default
prompt to DOS's default prompt...

Sylvain, how do you make variable content begin with a space in set commands?
 I have never been able to figure that one out...

--- Sylvain Petreolle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im writing Fr.rc for wcmd, since the translation work has started.
> Im interested in writing fixes for En.rc too.
> Some questions/comments about wcmd :
> - Call:
> Is the following valid for Wine ?
> Changes to default directory, environment variables etc made within
> a\n\
> called procedure are inherited by the caller.
> - Move : 
> Move can move a group of files, but wildcards arent supported yet.
> Move is not supposed to fail if the DOS drives are different.
> -Path :
> example is incorrect, double backslashes arent needed inside wcmd.
> -Pause :
> the message must be changed, it displays "ANY key" instead of Return
> ATM.
> -Prompt :
> the default prompt is the current directory with a > sign.
> -Set:
> the variable content can begin with a space.
> =====
> Sylvain Petreolle (spetreolle_at_users_dot_sourceforge_dot_net) 
> ICQ #170597259
> alias upsf='false ; while [ $? -ne 0 ] ; do cvs update -APd ; done 2>&1
> |tee cvslog'
> "What if tomorrow the War could be over ?" Morpheus, in "Reloaded".
> ___________________________________________________________
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Dustin Navea

Minor Contributor, winehq.com
Buzilla Janitor, bugs.winehq.com
Network Admin, irc.blynk.net (down)

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