Hi list,

I have just performed an upgrade to my Debian Sid Linux. During the upgrade, libc was replaced. I can now not get Wine to work on the new install.

Previously, I would use Wine without --with-nptl. This no longer works. Wine sigsegv on startup (whether there are parameters or not).

compiling with --with-nptl gets me slightly further. Running wine without parameters produces the help printout. However, when I try to actually run something, this does not work. It doesn't matter what I try to run (whether winelib or Windows). I get a series of "unhandled expection". This happens even for the regedit that is supposed to install my default registry via tools/wineinstall

Any ideas? Anyone?

Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
Home page & resume - http://www.shemesh.biz/

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