On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 03:53:27PM +0100, Mike Hearn wrote:
> In theory then binary packagers would include them in their packages. In 
> practice quite a lot of users either install Wine from the source, or 
> use packages built by people who don't track Wine development (*cough* 
> gentoo *cough*) so this wouldn't solve the problem for a lot of people.

A 'lot' is a bit of an exageration. It seems our binary packages are
quite popular, please check the download stats (apprently they have been
fixed as of late on SF :)). So getting our packagers to include them
would be a great step forward. Also, providing a separate package for
the folks that insist to build from source (under Support Files), would
solve the problem for most of the other users.

> >What do we need in there? I would guess:
> >     - Mozilla Active X
> >     - fonts
> A stdole32.tlb, the program Huw posted can be used to generate it (on 
> Windows) and it only has to be done once. Of course hopefully at some 
> point that will be moving into the build system. Until it does, we can 
> stick it in there.

Cool, all of this should work just fine. Now we need to get someone
to maintain this package...


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