Le dim 21/11/2004 à 18:40, Ivan Leo Puoti a écrit :
> > Could we show (our own pages) where users could choose distro, then
> > distro version, then actual package? Instead of pointing them to a few
> > screenful of files directly...
> We already partially have this, if you go to http://www.winehq.com/download 
> and
> click on Red Hat you get this page
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6241&package_id=77396
> that only contains RH packages. But I still think you should consider building
> fewer packages, probably an i586 build would do for almost all users.

You're forgetting K6 and K6-2 users with i586. Also, RH never provided
i586 packages (except for kernel and glibc), so it'd be foreign to the
distro to offer only that.

> > Other ideas?
> Also have you ever tried building an RPM that runs on more than one version of
> RH? To run on 3 versions of mdk I only had to make very minor changes to the 
> RPM.

I don't even want to begin to think to go down that route, for all the
problems which will crop out (seeing the ones we already see).


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