> You can get the amount of videoRam from the x-server log (python script
> attached). This is a little unsafe since the video driver is responsible
> for logging this info and I don't know if my script works on the format of
> all drivers. Also, certain drivers (fbdev) don't output this at all. Then
> again, there is no hardware openGL support for this anyway ;-).
> Another way to obtain the videoRam would be to use 'lspci -v'.
> This is however not error prone either since the the the size reported by
> lspci is not necessarily correct.
The script doesn't work for me, fglrx driver. The videoram line in Xorg.log is

(--) fglrx(0): VideoRAM: 65536 kByte, Type: DDR SGRAM / SDRAM

I don't know how to program python, so I can't fix your script - sorry.

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