On Monday 21 November 2005 12:30, Oliver Stieber wrote:
> --- Raphael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sunday 20 November 2005 18:28, Daniel wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > to Oliver Stiebel and anyone else interested:
> > > I reported about a bug in wine 20050930 in October. Then Oliver
> > > suggested he might write a little test application for this bug. Well,
> > > the bug is still present in wine 0.9.1. Searching the web turned up a
> > > simple app for windows which is equivalent to glxinfo under X11 (see
> > > [1], it's called wglinfo). As this program reproduces the bug, I
> > > thought it might provide a good starting point for a test app.
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > what is the bug ? (buzilla entry number?)
> wine3277..
> I sent Daniel this small test app:
> void main(void) {
>     Display *display;
>     char    *displayname = NULL;
>     int nCfgs = 0;
>     GLXFBConfig* cfgs = NULL;
>     int att_list[64];
>     int att_pos = 0;
>     display = XOpenDisplay (displayname);
>     printf("%s %s \n",glXGetClientString(display,GLX_VENDOR), displayname);
>     att_list[att_pos] = None;
>     cfgs = glXChooseFBConfig(display, DefaultScreen(display), att_list,
> &nCfgs);
>     if (cfgs == NULL) {
>         printf("cfgs is null\n");
>     } else {
>         printf("Found configs\n");
>     }
> and it returns cfgs is null which I wouldn't have expected, but it looks
> like there's a basic problem with glXChooseFBConfig

Yak, can you test what is the error X provide ?
and without BUFFER_SIZE at 0 ?


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