On 13/06/06, Raphael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I only have one  question:
 i see you have a cache to reuse prgid in set_glsl_shader_program but what
happens if user/app change the shaders content (for example using
SetFunction) ? your pre-compiled program will be correct ?
(because i don't see any list cleanup in shaders function reset)
Good point :-)
I wonder if respecifying the source and recompiling the program is
worth it, or if we should just create a new shader object.

 - It is correct to have GLSL binding code out of "if
(useVertexShaderFunction)" block ?
It is, actually. If there's no shader in use, we need to tell GL to
use fixed function again. The glUseProgramObjectARB call takes care of
that. (programId is zero when no shaders are in use).

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