On Mi, 2006-10-18 at 10:35 +0000, L. Rahyen wrote:
> +
> pRawInputDeviceList, PUINT puiNumDevices, UINT cbSize)
> +{
> +    memset(pRawInputDeviceList, 0, sizeof *pRawInputDeviceList);
> +    *puiNumDevices = 0;
> +    FIXME("stub\n");
> +    return 0;
> +}

The FIXME should be the first code in the stub and
is not informative.

I suggest to use:
FIXME("(%p, %p, %u) stub\n", 
       pRawInputDeviceList, puiNumDevices, cbSize);

When a different App use NULL for pRawInputDeviceList
(documented on MSDN as a vaild Parameter) or puiNumDevices,
your stub will still crash, but the FIXME give a usable hint,
where to look.

A small Test will help to make a real Implementation.

> -# @ stub GetRawInputDeviceList
> +@ stdcall GetRawInputDeviceList(ptr long long)

The second Parameter is used as "ptr"

By by ... Detlef

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