Jeremy Newman wrote:
> Tom Wickline wrote:
>> I sincerely wish you guys the best fighting off the spam assault :D
> Yeah, it has been difficult. Since I've never run a PHPbb board before, 
> I never know how well these bots had the registration system down. It 
> has really raised my blood pressure a bit this weekend.
> I think I've come up with a solution that will work for everybody. 
> First, I updated the "captcha" image validation to be more random and 
> harder to screen scrape.
> Second, I added a text validation field that asks you: "Who is the 
> current maintainer of the Wine project?"
> This should stop both bots and human spammers that don't know about our 
> forum.
> To be nice, I at least added a hint link, that takes you to the "About 
> Wine" page on WineHQ, so new users will at least have to read a little 
> bit of our history if they don't know.
I just tried to register and locked myself out. I don't know if it was 
the capcha or what I was putting in for Wine's maintainer (Alexandre 
Julliard) but one of them was wrong every time. I am pretty sure I got 
the name of Wine's maintainer right so I think it has to be the capcha 
but I have never had problems with them before.

Just so's you know...


Tony Lambregts

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