Thanks for your help. I'll prepare something and post it here for
suggestions soon.

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Marcel Partap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Is there any formal process I must go through to enter google summer
> > of code for wine?
> Just filing Google's application will do, although you may want to crash
> in #winehackers ..
> What you should do IN TIME is to get intimate with the toolchain! That was
> the hardest part for me -
> getting started on WINE - but if you already have programming experience I
> doubt that is a problem.
> However, from personal experience of last years SoC, communicate your
> implementation ideas as early
> as possible and don't be afraid to ask for help here on the list would
> probably be the two most
> important things...
> And another lesson learned: it takes a lot of polish for your patches to
> be approved and committed
> by officer Julliard, be prepared to reiterate over your submitted code
> several times :D
> Else - go for it, task sounds reasonable achievable. And the t-shirt is
> really worth the effort :)
> regards
> --
> <div id="signature">
>   "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes
> off your goal."
>                                                               -- Henry
> Ford (1863-1947)
>   Change the world! Vote revolution:
> </div>

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