On Tuesday 25 March 2008 13:18:59 L. Rahyen wrote:

>       Deleting files like that (just because of case insensitive match) on
> mounting is very, very bad idea. And I don't see any reason for such
> destructive actions. Better idea to pick up one and use it (for example,
> choice may be either pseudo-random or by alphabetical order where big
> letters comes first - latter is more preferable in my opinion because it
> let easily guess what file/directory will be used).

Ok, let's think about the use case here. My idea is that this is going to be 
used on a new WINEPREFIX on a call to wineprefixcreate. We create a new 
directory here and can make sure we're not doing anything stupid here. I'm 
not suggesting to use this for the whole file system. If I have two files 
with filenames that only differ in capitalization, this will only add 

That's why I still think having an option to delete unwanted files is useful.


Kai Blin
WorldForge developer  http://www.worldforge.org/
Wine developer        http://wiki.winehq.org/KaiBlin
Samba team member     http://www.samba.org/samba/team/
Will code for cotton.

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