2008/8/12 Dan Kegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 6:47 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> couldn't you instead when the patchwatcher takes the patch it assigns it a
>> patch # and require if there is a patch dependency  that the person put into
>> a comment REQ_PATCH: 123456,15456, etc.. ?
> Yes, perhaps if patchwatcher catches on and becomes a
> central part of Wine's workflow, that would be worth it.

I like the idea of patchwatcher.

I use GMail to do something similar - tag mail I send to wine-patches
with a 'wine-tracking' label, as well as the 'wine-patches' label it
gets from the mailing list filter I have. This allows me to see all
active patches I currently have. Once Alexandre commits them, I
manually remove the 'wine-tracking' label; similarly if there are
comments on it that mean I need to provide a revised patch.

Where patchwatcher would be useful is to know whether Alexandre has
looked at the patch yet (no more "dly" on #winehackers) and has
rejected it - hopefully with comments as to why!

It should also help catch the patches that do not apply, or cause
regressions in the tests, which should help Alexandre. It will also
mean that patches are not lost in a flood (e.g. coming back off

So yeah, I like the idea.

- Reece

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