Patchwatcher is online and giving reasonably good
feedback on the patch stream.  The bug that caused
every patch to be marked 'failed tests' is fixed, and
the blacklist is expanded enough that false regressions
seem to be rare.

There are still bugs:
1. the dashboard shows no status column for
even though
exists and shows that there was some strange problem
in applying the patch.
2. The most recent patch shows up as 'queued' but
the link to the patch doesn't work.

Results are at
and source code is at

Next steps:
- add timeout to handle hanging tests (every day or two
I have to kill some test or other).   There's no
portable way to do this from wine/test.h that
works in Win9x, so I'll probably set WINETEST_WRAPPER
to run the tests via a wrapper that implements the timeout.

- distribute across multiple machines by splitting into master
(which watches the patch stream) and slaves (which execute tests).
I will probably use http and ftp for this so the slaves can
be remote.

- support multiple architectures (anybody want to run
the slaves on MacOSX for me?)

- improve the web page to have error counts and perhaps
separate links to the build and test logs

- merge the chroot support (though this will need porting to
run on MacOSX)

- add valgrind as the next step after running tests

- improve the web page generator to show current status
(e.g. show the results from "make test" before starting valgrind)

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