On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 2:49 AM, Darragh Bailey
> I currently use buildbot at work for managing builds, and it looks like
> that it could handle many of your tasks if patchwatcher could be
> integrated into it.

Good idea.  Even Mozilla, home of http://www.mozilla.org/tinderbox.html,
uses it for everything but SeaMonkey: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Buildbot
It looks like buildbot has a new feature (try --diff) that does almost
what we want.
It doesn't handle patch series, so we would have to
concatenate patch series into one big patch to fit for now.
They even have mailwatcher thingies, but they're for watching
commit messages rather than potential patches.  So we'd have to
clone and mutate one of those a bit and hook it into try --diff (well,
we could keep using my mailwatcher, but that wouldn't be the buildbot way).

Also, its timeout is a coarse-grained one, but we also need a timeout
for individual tests.   That's ok, it's not hard to add into runtests.

On the downside, they don't seem to have anything like the report page
I have, so we'd need to add that to buildbot.

What to do, what to do... how about this: are there any python users
on the list who would be willing to help adapt buildbot to our needs?
I don't think I can handle it alone, I'm pretty busy.
Maybe I should focus on getting valgrind hooked into my existing
patchwatcher while somebody else looks at buildbot.  I'll join
the buildbot mailing list and chat with those guys a bit to see
where they think the patchwatcher functionality could fit in.
- Dan

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