On Thursday 12 March 2009 16:58:19 Owen Rudge wrote:
Hi Owen,

> What kind of would be involved in being a backup admin? I could perhaps
> put myself forward for this - hopefully of course you won't be hit by
> any buses, though. ;-)

Well, basically you need to take over for the org admin if needed and

- at the start of the program, accept known developers as mentors and reject 
people you don't know
- during the program, make sure that all the mentors are still active and 
organize a backup mentor if a mentor disappears (not happened to me before)
- at the mid-term, chase all the mentors to turn in their mid-term evaluations
- at the end of the program, chase all the mentors to turn in their final 

That's pretty much it. If you admin or mentor, you can't participate in GSoC 
as a student.

If you're interested, log into melange (http://socghop.appspot.com/), create a 
link_id and tell me that link_id.


Kai Blin
WorldForge developer  http://www.worldforge.org/
Wine developer        http://wiki.winehq.org/KaiBlin
Samba team member     http://www.samba.org/samba/team/
Will code for cotton.

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