On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Ben Klein <shackl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with Henri here. UseGLSL and OffscreenRendering are
> approaching the point where they don't need to be changed. Detecting
> the amount of video memory should be preferred over setting it
> manually. Most of these settings the users *shouldn't* be screwing
> around with even via regedit (UsefulRegistryKeys could be renamed to
> UsefulIfYouKnowWhatYoureDoingRegistryKeys).
> Native DLLs are not approaching the point where they don't need to be
> touched (or at least, not as fast as the D3D settings). There are
> still many cases where native gdiplus, quartz, dinput, d3dx9_## etc.
> are required to get your app working, and having these configurable
> via winecfg provides a *much* easier way to do application-specific
> overrides than doing it manually via regedit.
> Of course, it's not me Warren has to convince, but AJ :)

We've been approaching that point for a while, but we're not there
yet. In an ideal world, winecfg shouldn't be needed at all. But the
fact is that we have it to make adjustments to settings to allow
applications to run. Until D3D is fixed, something like this will make
it easier on the users.


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