Of course it would not be needed if Wine was perfect... ^_^

All Direct3D keys are configurable through Winecfg with my patch! :D

2009/4/6 Ben Klein <shackl...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/4/6 Austin English <austinengl...@gmail.com>:
>> On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Ben Klein <shackl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I agree with Henri here. UseGLSL and OffscreenRendering are
>>> approaching the point where they don't need to be changed. Detecting
>>> the amount of video memory should be preferred over setting it
>>> manually. Most of these settings the users *shouldn't* be screwing
>>> around with even via regedit (UsefulRegistryKeys could be renamed to
>>> UsefulIfYouKnowWhatYoureDoingRegistryKeys).
>>> Native DLLs are not approaching the point where they don't need to be
>>> touched (or at least, not as fast as the D3D settings). There are
>>> still many cases where native gdiplus, quartz, dinput, d3dx9_## etc.
>>> are required to get your app working, and having these configurable
>>> via winecfg provides a *much* easier way to do application-specific
>>> overrides than doing it manually via regedit.
>>> Of course, it's not me Warren has to convince, but AJ :)
>> We've been approaching that point for a while, but we're not there
>> yet. In an ideal world, winecfg shouldn't be needed at all. But the
>> fact is that we have it to make adjustments to settings to allow
>> applications to run. Until D3D is fixed, something like this will make
>> it easier on the users.
> Why not make ALL the UsefulRegistryKeys editable via winecfg? (I'm not
> advocating it, I'm asking for opinions :) )

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