
This might be a known issue, but anyway: Some windows applications
need that shortcut (launcher) have working directory set, and that
working directory sometimes different from where the .exe is located.

In Linux, with gnome and kde it is not a big problem, since .desktop
launchers in these DE support Path attribute. But this becomes a
problem with systems that don't support this out of box.

As good as I am aware, XFCE have this problem - it's launchers ignore
path attribute. Also, AFAIK, there are similar problems with mac
version. There might be problems in other desctop enviroments, but I
am not aware of these.

Currently the only way to lauch such applications is either to use
terminal and cd to working directory and then run application, or
create custom bash launcher, which is too complicated for not
experienced users (I mean not to reproduce it step-by-step, but to
solve it by themselves).

Is there anything that could be done in this area?


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