On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 8:29 AM, Igor Tarasov <tarasov.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> This might be a known issue, but anyway: Some windows applications
> need that shortcut (launcher) have working directory set, and that
> working directory sometimes different from where the .exe is located.
> In Linux, with gnome and kde it is not a big problem, since .desktop
> launchers in these DE support Path attribute. But this becomes a
> problem with systems that don't support this out of box.
> As good as I am aware, XFCE have this problem - it's launchers ignore
> path attribute. Also, AFAIK, there are similar problems with mac
> version. There might be problems in other desctop enviroments, but I
> am not aware of these.

The Path attribute is definitely NOT optional. Its presence in a
.desktop file is optional ("If a key is OPTIONAL it may or may not be
present in the file" -- the spec), but a desktop must never ignore it
if it is given.

> Is there anything that could be done in this area?

You should file a bug with XFCE and any other buggy desktops.

Do our .desktop files even work on Mac?

> --
> Igor


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