>>>> I have tested the following and I believe found they were not the problem:
>>>> (3) problem with pulseaudio
>>>How did you determine this? I thought you said your version of Ubuntu
>>>was crippled if pulseaudio was removed, so did you use pasuspender? If
>>>so, did you verify there was no pulseaudio process running while you
>>>were testing Wine?
>> After I started my testing, I did run into problems when I tried to 
>> re-install pulseaudio and then remove it, but the PA problem was unrelated. 
>> Ubuntu said there was a PA bug, and issued a fix. After I applied the fix, 
>> no more problems working with pulseaudio removed. So the whole thing was 
>> sort of a red herring.
>> I have re-installed my entire system since that problem went away, and 
>> immediately purged pulseaudio, and that's where I'm working from now. Still 
>> same problem.
>OK, thanks for that clarification.
>So you've tracked the problem down to kernel version 2.6.29? What
>version of ALSA drivers are in your working and broken kernels?

I've actually tracked it to before that. 

Wine's audio last worked with one of Ubuntu's generic kernels, probably 
Ubuntu's current repository kernel is 2.6.28-11. That's the one I that caused 
the problem. 
The experimental bug-fix kernel is 2.6.28-12. That does not solve my problem. 
(Here's where I got the kernel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/test-kernels/ )

When my kernel worked, my drivers were 0.1.19 -- one of Tashaki Iwai's daily 
stable builds from a couple of weeks ago. 
They are 0.1.19 now, today's daily stable build, compiled against 
2.6.29-1-rt8-custom, which is what I am running at the moment. 

My 29-rt kernel is showing the same problems as the two kernels mentioned 
FWIW, the person who compiled the RT kernel said that he did so without 
applying the Ubuntu patches. So that tells me that the change took place 
outside the Ubuntu patches. 

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