>>>>> I have tested the following and I believe found they were not the problem:
>>>>> (3) problem with pulseaudio
>>>>How did you determine this? I thought you said your version of Ubuntu
>>>>was crippled if pulseaudio was removed, so did you use pasuspender? If
>>>>so, did you verify there was no pulseaudio process running while you
>>>>were testing Wine?
>>> After I started my testing, I did run into problems when I tried to 
>>> re-install pulseaudio and then remove it, but the PA problem was unrelated. 
>>> Ubuntu said there was a PA bug, and issued a fix. After I applied the fix, 
>>> no more problems working with pulseaudio removed. So the whole thing was 
>>> sort of a red herring.
>>> I have re-installed my entire system since that problem went away, and 
>>> immediately purged pulseaudio, and that's where I'm working from now. Still 
>>> same problem.
>>OK, thanks for that clarification.
>>So you've tracked the problem down to kernel version 2.6.29? What
>>version of ALSA drivers are in your working and broken kernels?
>I've actually tracked it to before that. 
>Wine's audio last worked with one of Ubuntu's generic kernels, probably 
>Ubuntu's current repository kernel is 2.6.28-11. That's the one I that caused 
>the problem. 
>The experimental bug-fix kernel is 2.6.28-12. That does not solve my problem. 
>(Here's where I got the kernel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/test-kernels/ 
>When my kernel worked, my drivers were 0.1.19 -- one of Tashaki Iwai's daily 
>stable builds from a couple of weeks ago. 
>They are 0.1.19 now, today's daily stable build, compiled against 
>2.6.29-1-rt8-custom, which is what I am running at the moment. 
>My 29-rt kernel is showing the same problems as the two kernels mentioned 
>FWIW, the person who compiled the RT kernel said that he did so without 
>applying the Ubuntu patches. So that tells me that the change took place 
>outside the Ubuntu patches. 

Well, this may be a pulseaudio problem after all. It may not be a wine problem. 
For the first time this morning, I tried running audacity -- the linux version. 
(My system has pulseaudio purged.) 
Audacity behaves the same way under Linux it does under wine, freezing when I 
stop and re-start the record function. 
I filed ubuntu bug 369762. 

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