2009/5/29 Austin English <austinengl...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 10:50 AM, chris ahrendt <celtich...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Right Austin,
>> I have... thats why I asked the question why not sit down and say
>> here is what we want from the DIB engine here is the Spec do this ..
>> I have seen the here is what I don't like. But nothing showing what
>> exactly is needed. This would be the first step in resolving this
>> circular argument / discussion which is what I am trying to
>> facilitate =D. Until that is done all we can do is have this same
>> circular argument / discussion =D
> As was said in the other thread, just designing it alone would take a
> few months work. AJ is really busy with other things, and a few months
> work is both a lot of money and a lot of wasted productivity. No one
> is stepping up to sponsor the work, so it's a bit hard for him to take
> that on.
> --
> -Austin

Heh, I wonder if someone should approach Autodesk and say, "Give us
sponsorship and we'll get Autocad running on Linux" they surely have
deep pockets :)


P.S. Must learn to reply to all, sorry Austin

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