Emmanuel Maillard wrote:
> If you build your package in standard path (/usr/local for example)
> you may not
> need DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH (see man dyld for default path).
This is good, but we should be using the packages in /usr/X11/lib
first.  Let me check if this is set on my system.  I thought and
confirmed it is not.  This would need to be set in the session(s) that
Wine would be running in.

> If you make a complete bundle for Wine, you'll need it, but it may be
> set dynamically,
> while initializing wine lib, see get_runtime_libdir.
That is one solution.
> Now using a bundle or an installer for packing Wine ? IMHO bundles are
> more friendly
> to end users.
Bundles are WAY more friendly than using the installer.  Installer
programs are meant to remain on the system.

James McKenzie

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