Ubuntu 10.10 is coming out soon, and its new kernel settings prevent
Wine apps from looking at each others' memory.  This breaks World of
Warcraft, among other things.  See:

What's needed is a very small shim for Wine that can be setuid 0, but
then release all capabilities except what Wine actually needs -- what a
normal user has, and cap_sys_ptrace.

On an Ubuntu system, this is very similar to what DHCP and PING do --
setuid 0, however they drop all privs except cap_net_rawio at the start.
 Existing code can be used:

Basically, I need someone to write this shim for me.  The long term
solution is probably to just package Wine such that the wine binary
itself has cap_sys_ptrace, however currently Ubuntu has no support for
this kind of extended attribute in the packaging system so workarounds
like the above for DHCP need to be done.  I suspect other distros have
similar issues.

Scott Ritchie

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