On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 12:12:33 +0200
Yaron Shahrabani <sh.ya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I see but I had another idea in mind...
> I was thinking about having the possibility to rate and report but without
> any way to comment, I mean that you cannot comment in foreign languages but
> you can vote and report (any operation that requires clicking is OK, typing
> is not).
It's not possible to report without typing, and ratings without the typed 
information as to why the user gave the app that rating would be at best 
useless (Why is this silver? What doesn't work?), and at worst misleading. 
"False platinums" in particular are already a big problem: users give an app a 
platinum rating, but list tweaks they applied (so it really should be gold) or 
things that didn't work (so it really should be silver). Admins and maintainers 
need that typed information to assess whether a rating is correct. 

Rosanne DiMesio <dime...@earthlink.net>

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