Am 27.02.2011 20:37, schrieb Max TenEyck Woodbury:
> I've picked up Perl in the last couple weeks. An interesting language
> with lots of adopted features. It's been easy to learn, so I think I
> will _not_ need help with the language itself, but I will listen to any
> advice.

When i started with Wine developing i tackled winemaker which is also in perl.
I also had to learn Perl for it, so i know you situation. Perl is truely cool,
but the "inline" use of RegEx is sometimes confusing (So are $_ and friends)
and i hate to use curly brackets for every "if".

> The code is extensive and sparsely commented. In order to
> understand what it does, I've made a transcription of it with a more
> compact style and lots more comments. I check the rewrite against the
> source code so there should not be any serious errors. There are also a
> number of what I believe to be defects in the original and places where
> my comments may be inappropriate or my style may be very objectionable.
> _This_ is what I need help with.
> Would someone be willing to review my rewrite? If so, send me e-mail so
> I can arrange to get a copy of it to you.

Remember that you won't get one big patch in at once, you need to split it up 

> P.S. to AJ et al.
> There is a _lot_ of documentation embedded in the wine code, but it is
> hard to find at the moment. I'd like to see it indexed and this is the
> program that does the extraction and indexing. Advice on making this
> new version available and active are in order.

I think the idea of building upon the existing "documentation" somewhere else
has a better chance than the "deal on the 100"


Best Regards, André Hentschel

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