On 02/28/2011 11:34 AM, André Hentschel wrote:
Am 28.02.2011 17:20, schrieb Max TenEyck Woodbury:
I think the idea of building upon the existing "documentation" somewhere else
has a better chance than the "deal on the 100"

Frankly, I believe embedded documentation is the way to go. It is _not_
a panacea, but it is better than trying to maintain a separate set of
functional documentation. I have seen cases where it worked. Not great
but OK. I tried the separate document approach and got _very_
frustrated, and _no_one_ was really interested.

Yeah, so let's see how interested people will be in the new aproach.
(Also OK might not be enough for Wine)


First, it is _not_ a new approach. It has literally decades of
application. I first encountered it in the '80s and it was well
entrenched even then. Such people as D. Knuth have much to say on the
subject. It is not even new to Wine. There is a lot of embedded documentation already. It just is not being maintained.

Second, OK is better than nothing. I say it is OK because I have
actually used such a system. It is a pain to maintain, but the results
are usually very good. While the stuff I did never reached the public
(It got hung at the informal Q/A stage), other similar material was
sold at a profit and was generally rated as very good to excellent.
Again, the reason I call it OK is because of the amount of work


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