2013/6/11 Rico Schüller <kgbric...@web.de>

> On 11.06.2013 22:08, Christian Costa wrote:
>> +    TRACE("byte_code = %p, semantics = %p, count = %p\n", byte_code,
>> semantics, count);
> The rest of the file seems to use the trace without the "=".
> Indeed. I made a little confusion. Will fix that.

>  +    ok(ret == D3D_OK, "Failed with %#xn", ret);
>  +    ok(count == 3, "Got %u, expected 1\n", count);
> Should be "\n" and "expected 3". Both several times.

Ok thanks.

> As the return value for semantics is in both tests the same, it might be
> useful to initialize the semantics first to check that the values are
> really set in both cases.

You're right. I'll to that.

> What does D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics(**semantics_vs11, NULL, NULL); and
> D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics(**NULL, NULL, NULL); return? Well both are
> corner cases without much meaning.
I'll add them as well.

> You may check for the semantics where the count is NULL like
> D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics(**semantics_vs11, semantics, NULL);
Make sense. I'll do that.


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