Gentles All,

We have concluded the first week of our four-week HornRaiser crowd-funding
campaign to benefit Camp Shakespeare, and in just 10 days 89 donors have
helped us raise $32,374 or 215% of our original goal!  Before any other
message, THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed in any amount.  We are
watching the tallies of both dollars and donors, and are deeply gratified
by the tidal flood of support.  If you have been following this wild ride,
you know that we hit our initial goal of $15,000 on Wednesday June 9 in
just 11.5 hours, hit our first stretch goal of $30,000 in just one more
day, and are working our way toward our second stretch goal of $45,000. Our
hope for the stretch goals is to give Doc and Robin the freedom to think
big about next summer, knowing that a solid financial foundation is already
in place.

We are looking to raise about $12,500 more in the next 20 days ($12,626 to
be specific!).  Will you help us keep up our momentum by making a gift if
you haven’t already?  This project is very important to our group of
Ambassadors and to so many of you reading this letter.

This is a chance to tell Doc and Robin how much we love them and honor the
work they have devoted themselves to.

Here is the link!
your ducats flow like the sea!  Give as generously as you can!

We are so grateful for every gift. Thank you for your support!

All the best,

Maggie Megaw, Mary Collins, & Madge Darlington
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