On Sun, 25 Mar 2018 21:17:35 +0200
Kalin KOZHUHAROV <me.ka...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is a reason, at least one, good one - it is called simplicity.
> It is also hard to work when you are running out of disk space or
> memory; do you expect WG to solve that for you?
> Simply put, IP addressing schemes are not a part of WG, neither a requirement.
> There are many ways to use WG and "assign random, free IP address and
> send to a new peer" is too specific of a use case.
> May be you can cobble up something with a DHCP server that cares about
> certain address range?
> Or a simple flat-file dB and a script that does it for you?
> What happens when you run out of addresses?
> How do you re-assign an IP address to a new peer?
> ...
> Those are questions widely outside WG, IMHO.


One more idea that comes to mind, is to use IPv6 and assign IPs based on peer
public keys. Assuming a fixed /64 subnet, using a 64-bit half of the public
key for the host part, still makes collisions nearly impossible.

With respect,
WireGuard mailing list

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