Thanks for all who responded. The setup is hard to debug, since the clients 
behind NAT are on the other side of the globe and I am configuring and 
debugging via Layer 8 ;-).

Meanwhile I created the client configurations and configured the Mikrotik 
server from scratch again, it now provides a seperate wireguard interface for 
each client; each client now uses a different target port on the server. I have 
some doubts if this really addresses the source of the problem, and it is 
certainly not very elegant, but it does the trick for now. The Mikrotik 
implementation is still a beta, so you cannot expect a stable server.


-----Original Message-----
From: Riccardo Paolo Bestetti [] 
Sent: Friday, 15 January, 2021 16:22
To: Maarten de Vries; Posegga, Joachim;
Subject: Re: Multiple Clients behind NAT

On Fri Jan 15, 2021 at 3:21 PM CET, Maarten de Vries wrote:
> WireGuard doesn't have to use the same local port for all clients. In
> fact, if you don't give a ListenPort explicitly, an ephemeral port is
> assigned. This could theoretically still conflict between clients on
This is correct. I mistakenly thought that, by default, WireGuard used
the target port as a source port as well (when available). Ephemeral
makes more sense & is also what really happens.

So yes, Joachim should both fix the NAT and drop ListenPort from his


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