We require 802.1x authentications for all users on our network. As such, I recently wrote an application that will allow a FTE staff/faculty member to request a guest 802.1x login for their guest(s). The account is then autogenerated, loaded into our RADIUS servers (FreeRADIUS), and we get an email notifying us of the new account. The accounts all start with "guest-", and the users is allowed to pick an up-to-8-character identifier for their users to make the login easy to remember, so the actual username ends up being "guest-identifier". The password is autogenerated.

Currently, due to limitations in our equipment, they're stuck on the same VLAN as the rest of our wireless users, however we expect to segregate these users once we get some upgraded hardware in place. The though there is to, once they've authenticated, force each user to a captive portal where they can acknowledge our AUP before continuing.

So far, the application seems to have been very well received. Previously, a "sponsor" had to contact the help desk to have the MAC address of the user(s) registered and get the user set up with the correct WEP key. Now, a "sponsor" can simply follow the directions to request an account, and no help desk or other outside human intervention is required. When the account is created, the "sponsor" is given a web link on how to properly configure the wireless settings for our network that can be given to the guest ahead of time or printed for when he/she/they arrives on campus. So, the only time the help desk or other personnel get involved is when there is a problem. And, we didn't have to open up our network to allow guest access. :)


Bennefield, Cully A. wrote:
We are exploring the possibility of offering guest wireless access and I
would like to get a feel for how others might be handling it.  Any and
all information and opinions will be greatly appreciated.


Cully Bennefield
Baylor University

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