Mounting the AP inside the building and mounting antenna's on the side of the building is how we've covered the majority of our outdoor spaces. Typically if you penetrate the building you're going to have some type of weatherproof junction box on the outside for the cables to pass through. If you locate the antennas about a foot to either side of the JB you should be fine due to the difference in frequencies. We t ypically space our antenna's about a meter apart.
Additionally as long as you use low loss cable you should be able
to use about 10 to 20feet of extension without any significajnt issues.


Nathan Hay wrote:
We are looking to cover an outdoor area by mounting two dual-band panel antennas on the side of a building and connecting them to an AP inside the building. They are dual-band antennas, but one would only do 5 Ghz and the other would only do 2.4 Ghz. Here's the exact antenna: This is the first time I've done something like this, so I was wondering if I need to space the antennas out a little or if they can go close together without interference? Also, at what point do I need to worry about cable length from the AP to the antenna? I'm looking a getting some 10 foot cables so I have some flexibility when I do the install. Thanks, Nathan Nathan P. Hay
Network Engineer
Computer Services
Cedarville University <> ********** Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group discussion list can be found at


Richard E. (Rick) Brown
Network Systems Engineer
Communication Technologies
Office of Information Technology
N.C. State University
(919) 515-5489 office
(919) 515-1641 fax
(919) 601-1651 cell

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