You could probably mitigate some of the risks of providing a free/open
wireless service, if it was heavily restrictive on what ports were open
and if you used deep packet inspection to block common p-2-p ports and
service types. You would still potentially have an issue with traffic
going in and out of your network encrypted which you couldn't deep
packet inspect, but in that situation you can genuinely say you have
made every technical effort possible and I guess the RIAA would have
difficulty proving it was copyrighted material.


Many Thanks


Peter Methven. MBCS, BENG (Hons)

Network Specialist

Computer Centre (The Allen McTernan Building)

Heriot-Watt University


EH14 4AS

Telephone: +44 (0)131 4513516 / 07774 427548

Email <> 


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv
[] On Behalf Of Scott Powell
Sent: 05 August 2009 19:33
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Open-Free Access wireless


I've read some responses on how to handle guest access, but I'm being
asked a slightly different question by my campus.  We are considering
providing "free"/"open" wireless access on campus.   I can think of a
myriad of issues, but I need to find out if anyone else has done this
and any comments you might have.  We've been registering our user base,
and then they access the real network via a webvpn.  Guests were handled
via the web auth in the Cisco WLC.   My biggest concerns are how to
handle RIAA and Movie industry copyright notices, CALEA, as well as the
"unthinkable" activity over our wireless network.  If it is "open", I
don't know how I'll be able to identify who did what if at all.  Any
feedback will be appreciated.


Scott Powell

Network Manager

Wittenberg University


937-327-7372 fax



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