We have had eduroam running for a few years now and haven't really had too many major hickups with it specifically. The most common problem is really configuring devices for dot1x, they are all different and some can be quite painful. We have trialled Xpress connect and plan to get funding next year, I wish we had trialled it a few years ago. This was more to do with dot1x in general than eduroam itself however.

The other couple of things
Support- Initially our helpdesk would not support visitors trying to use eduroam. This created a bit of difficulty when visitors were having problems with their clients. I would recommend considering support in your plan. SSID overlap - You must use eduroam SSID, of course if you border on another institution that also runs eduroam you can have some unpleasantness for clients getting good signal from both. Hasn't been a huge problem for neighbouring buildings, but at one point we had a shared building and it was certainly a problem.

We had considered using only eduroam as an SSID however, with bordering institutions we decided against it. So we run 2 SSID's like most. They are configured the same, and use roll base vlans. So an eduroam user can use our UofA while our users can use eduroam on campus with the same service provided.

On 30/07/2011 4:42 AM, Wright, Donald wrote:
We have a mandate to setup Eduroam for our campus for the upcoming fall semester and I was wondering how others have done this in the past. Did you use a separate ssid made available throughout your campus ? Any issues or gotchas that I should be aware of as far initial response time for users, credential caching and roaming, etc ? Thanks in advance.

Don Wright
Senior Network Engineer
CIS - Network Technologies Group
Brown University

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Jason Cook
Technology Services
The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 5005
Ph    : +61 8 8313 4800
e-mail: jason.c...@adelaide.edu.au

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