I would recommend 3. When we moved from Cisco to Aruba in 2008, we used a 
different SSID and tried to deploy the new system geographically to minimize 
multi-vendor interaction.  We did a rapid deployment in our dorms over winter 

Bruce Osborne
Wireless Network Engineer
IT Network Services

(434) 592-4229

40 Years of Training Champions for Christ: 1971-2011

From: Becker, Jason [jbec...@wustl.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 11:34 AM
Subject: Multi vendor interoperability on Campus

What are others doing to get interoperability when you have multiple wireless 
vendors on campus?  We are transitioning to a new system and trying to think of 
all the issues we may run into during this.

A little background about our layout… a building will have all the same vendor 
AP's but adjacent building may not, over 100 buildings on campus,  total of 
4000+ across campus, systems will have different ip pool space, and limited 
outdoor coverage.

1. Same ssid across both systems and let the clients choose what system.
2. Same  ssid and adjust the probe/reponse thresholds so clients outside of a 
building don't connect.
3. Have versions of ssids for each system so clients can choose what ssid to 
connect to.

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