Yes, we have three Airwave Management Platforms (AMPs) running, each licensed 
for 2,500 devices (APs, controllers, even switches if you wish - which we 
don't). Excellent reporting. Management lags somewhat behind on Cisco products 
-- new product support take a few months to get added. And, a growing number of 
lesser-utilized controller settings never quite appear. We just set those 
manually via the controller CLI interface (write what is needed and then just 
run it against all controllers. If the AMP doesn’t set/monitor a controller 
setting, it also won’t destroy it. The AMPs will handle both LWAPPs as well as 
IOS APs (we have a handful in remote, T1-connected locations that we might 
eventually convert to FlexConnect, though with only 1 or 2 APs in most of these 
locations, there is no compelling reason for us to move from IOS at this time 
for these).

I will be glad to entertain any questions on our experiences with the AMPs. 
Cisco is asks us along to move to PI. But, our sales rep is really good about 
not pushing too much for this. We spend a lot of money with Cisco and he seems 
to be aware of the problems folks have with PI.

              [UA Logo]

John Watters                           The University of Alabama
                                                Office of Information Technology

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
[mailto:WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU] On Behalf Of Osborne, Bruce W 
(Network Services)
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 6:43 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Cisco PI 2.2 upgrade

Airwave can manage the Cisco wireless too, can’t it?

Bruce Osborne
Network Engineer – Wireless Team
IT Network Services

(434) 592-4229

Training Champions for Christ since 1971

From: Chad Burnham []
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: Cisco PI 2.2 upgrade

HI All,

PI 2.2 is a beta only program that you had to have your SE register you for to 
participate.  I had to fill in special paperwork to participate in it (NDA, 
etc.).  We did that, but are unfortunately currently out of resources (VM (UCS) 
CPU/disk/space and employee time) to commit at this moment.  Our plan is to 
wait for the release, and build a parallel system to go from 2.1 to 2.2, and 
rehost the licenses.  We are hoping for some enhanced AVC functions to use with 
our campus border routers (ASR-1006) in this new release.  This was the major 
driver to join the 2.2 beta program for us, as we are an Aruba wireless shop 
and use airwave on that side.

This e-mail below was sent to us on the list on 10/23 (I hope I do not get in 
hot-water for leaking this to this list!).  Please work with you SE on joining 
future beta programs. I know some of you do have the resources to stand-up, 
test and provide meaningful feedback that will help us all out as larger 
community.  If my SE had not mentioned it in passing, I would have never known…

All we can do is hope they improve the software for us.



We are now about to start week 5 of the Prime Infra 2.2 beta, only 3 weeks left 
(beta will end November 14). Please keep up your effort testing all the 
features of Prime Infra 2.2 that are important to you, and let us know if you 
are having any problems.

It would also be great if beta participants could take a minute to send us a 
general status report:

  *   What have you tested so far?
  *   What do you like?
  *   What do you not like or find annoying?
  *   Any wishes?
Also, please note that there is a beta patch available (on the same download 
page you have used to download the beta materials): look for the 2 files at the 
top dated October 23, there is a patch file and an accompanying READ ME with 
all the details about what fixes are included and how to install it. We would 
request that ALL beta customers install this patch (whether you think you need 
the fixes or not), as part of the testing is to further ensure that there are 
no undesirable side effects of the these fixes (we have tested them, but we 
always want this covered by beta testing as well).


Prime Infrastructure Beta Team

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