I've seen a few articles here and there regarding possible solutions for "the 
gigabit bottleneck" as it pertains to .11ac access points. Said solutions 
include Cisco's forthcoming protocols for 2.5G and 5G over CAT5 cabling as well 
as LACP'ing two gigabit ports per switch and AP as some vendors suggest...

My question for the group is: Has anyone actually seen a throughput issue using 
gigabit to the edge? Certainly your distribution layer gear could be a 
limitation if it's not specced correctly, but I've just never seen a situation 
where I've wished for more than 1000BASE-T to an AP. Our fastest 802.11ac 
access points can "only" hit 600-700mbit/s real TCP throughput, and that's in 
ideal, almost laboratory conditions.


Thank you!
Matthew Hinson
Network Operations

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